Thursday, October 13, 2011

Do I look bigger?

So I know I haven't posted. There have been good reasons, but I'm not going into them.
but I plan on trying to keep up on this now.

Ok... so I haven't posted a lot of updates-

Here is the current me with the basketball...

This was taken right before I had Cart. I was wanting to compare the two...


  1. It might be the angle but this baby looks higher and about the same size if not smaller than Carter.

  2. Ya, actually it's amazing the difference in position my stomach is. I recently came across a new AMAZING chiropractor who informed me that my uterus was way tilted and that my tailbone was also facing inward which would make it crazy hard to birth a baby because the baby would just keep ramming into it. He asked if I ever had any pain down there in the area before and I was shocked because that was my number one complaint after Carter dropped, there was tons of "lightening pain" down in my tailbone, and everyone just thought that was weird. So the day this baby dropped I started getting the same pain happening- after we got it adjusted, no pain there AT ALL and he showed us this belly lift to help move my uterus into the correct position that we do every night. I'm hoping this is an answer to prayer and that maybe the reason Carter wouldn't come down was a physical issue that we are finally now finding out is the real birthing issue here possibly??? *fingers crossed* But my belly isn't sagging now with the pain- yay! we have weekly checkups to keep up on both the tailbone and uterus position. This has been very good news for us indeed.

  3. That's so exciting!!! I am so happy for you. I did the same and I was smaller with my second and she was smaller by a whole pound and a half. What are you having? I want details....

  4. Ya, I'm wondering if he'll weigh less, or if it's just positioning. We are having a BOY! I'm totally thrilled Cart is going to have a brother! And we're due anytime now basically.... :) I will for sure post how the birth goes. Either way, I just want a happy healthy baby! :)
