Thursday, November 3, 2011

Relying on faith...

Today I've had to do a lot of reflecting- ok, more talking.
Talking about my fears of birth.
The answer given to me is that God is in charge of everything and to rely completely on him for help, strength and guidance.

It's interesting how the devil likes to make you think he's in charge.
But the truth is that that's a lie.
The truth is that he is not in charge of what happens in life.
God is the one in charge.

What a relief it is to know that right?

No matter what statistics say, no matter what people say
God is in charge.

This pregnancy has had it's highs and lows, and it's also taught me a lot of lessons. I've also gotten some answers to some things here and there along the way.
I am hoping and putting my trust in God that everything will work out how it's supposed to and that no matter what we can have a happy outcome :)

It's also crazy for me to think that these are some of the last moments "alone" with just Carter! Pretty soon it will be Carter plus one!
I LOVE being a mom. I love having kids and being given the opportunity and responsibilities that come with parenthood.

For this birth I am excited for:

  • Birthing that baby vaginally, having him placed right on my chest and with tears in my eyes saying " I DID IT!- I DID IT!" thanking God for the amazing experience of birthing a child. And having Tommy see that birth can actually be a beautiful thing :) (I am trying to be positive here ok?) If God has a different plan/outcome, that's ok too because he's in charge. But this is what I vizualize and hope for. If I don't hope, I don't have faith it can happen. And this is indeed what I hope for!
  • Really just having a great calm relaxed birth, that goes smoothly and quickly! And without all the drugs I was subjected to last time- necessary for that situation but let's face it, who wants to be all drugged up anyway.... ok some people do- I personally don't like it however...

  • Showing Carter his new brother and seeing his reaction for the first time! That is definitely an exciting moment I am so ecstatic about!

Ok, I have written down some of the things on my mind.
This baby can come now.
I believe if I keep my focus on God, he will watch over and help me through this! I dedicate this birth to him. God you're in charge... Ready? Set, go.

1 comment:

  1. I asked my friends who were pregnant with their second child if they were scared of the delivery and none of them were. I was terrified to voluntarily subject myself again to child birth considering what happened with David. Giving birth a second time was amazing. It was everything I thought the first one would be like. I don't know if it was just because my body knew how to do things this time or what but it was wonderful and I have no fears no about doing it again. I share this with you because I am confident that it will be a wonderful experience for you too this time. I was so apprehensive about loosing my time with David also but I have never looked back once since my daughter has come. It's still important to have that one-on-one time with each kid but it's so wonderful having two and seeing how much your kids love and need each other. I am so excited for you and pray that everything will be exactly as you imagine. I can't wait to hear how it goes.
