Monday, June 27, 2011

Today is good

I managed to get out of bed feeling rested (which is ALWAYS a bonus)
I put laundry in, I did a load of dishes and got all the crap off my counter so it looks presentable :)

Right now I'm eating Hagen Dazs ice cream *of course it's the chocolate peanut butter*
I'm listening to the sound of the dishwasher run.

Carter and I had a good fulfilling lunch including a plate of veggies- which he willingly ate some
(my boy is such a good eater!)

We had plans to go get trees for our yard since they're 60% off at shopko right now- totally excited because trees are flippin expensive!
Then Carters aunties and Uncle came over and talked about seeing a movie for FHE. And they mention Cars 2 and got my little guy all excited....

on Mondays all day long at our local theatre, all movies are only $3.00.
And since I love that little guy more then trees and life itself, I decided we're going to attempt a movie tonight.
In a theatre

We'll just see how this goes. He wasn't too cooperative with our "Rio" experience, but maybe Cars will be way more exciting for him. After all, he is a Cars addict.

So I told him if he went down for a nap, then when he woke up, we would go see cars with the Mr.
And I promise, he will mention that the moment he wakes up.

Healthily full and taking a nap he is, while I sit here with my chocolate and peanut butter listening to the dishwasher.

it's a Good day.

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